Nuke.Common 7.0.0

The AKEless Build System for C#/.NET Signed by from repository '' commit 'cda28e5941e47b2b2a3d9bea20f78d11af1d92e0' (see contained AppVeyorSettings.json file for build settings).

No packages depend on Nuke.Common.

• Refactored out multiple projects • Renamed ProcessCustomLogger to ProcessLogger • Renamed LocalExecutableAttribute to LocalPathAttribute • Renamed NpmExecutableAttribute to NpmPackageAttribute • Renamed PackageExecutableAttribute to NuGetPackageAttribute • Renamed PathExecutableAttribute to PathVariableAttribute • Changed bootstrapping scripts to use STS instead of Current channel • Changed Target conditions to use regular delegates captured using CallerArgumentExpressionAttribute • Changed AbsolutePath to implicit cast to string • Changed HandleSIngleFileExecutionAttribute to be opt-in • Changed string-based command-line tool tasks to use ArgumentStringHandler • Changed LatestMavenVersionAttribute to exclude previously hardcoded m2 suffix • Changed OctoVersionTasks to use replacement package • Removed legacy project setup • Removed YAML shell completion • Removed ExternalFilesTask • Removed CheckBuildProjectConfigurationsAttribute • Removed obsolete members in OctoVersionAttribute • Removed Nuke.MSBuildLocator package • Updated package dependencies • Updated AzureKeyVault integration • Added assertion against Target self-dependence • Added support for tool requirements and automatic installation • Added ProcessExitHandler for CLT tasks • Added auto-resolution of appropriate framework in NuGetToolPathResolver • Added windowsPath and unixPath to LocalPathAttribute • Added LatestMavenVersionAttribute.IncludePrerelease • Added DelegateDisposable.SetAndRestore • Added Solution implicit cast to AbsolutePath • Added AbsolutePath extension methods for TextTasks, FileSystemTasks, CompressionTasks, SerializationTasks • Added AbsolutePath plus operator • Added EnvironmentInfo.Paths • Added IFormattable to AbsolutePath • Added properties for permissions in GitHubActions generation • Added support for job timeout and concurrency configuration in GitHubActions generation • Added PublishCondition and LFS property in GitHubActions generation • Added Directory.Packages.props to default cache key files in GitHubActions generation • Added names for actions in GitHubActions generation • Added display names for tasks in AzurePipelines generation • Added resolution of GitHub token in GitHubTasks through GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable • Added StaticWebAppsTasks • Added PwshTasks • Fixed linking of Directory.Build files in build project view • Fixed skipping of trigger dependencies when original target is skipped • Fixed continue parameter to retry previously skipped targets • Fixed missing Log.CloseAndFlush() for logging • Fixed newlines in bootstrapping scripts • Fixed log-level check for ProcessException • Fixed case-sensitivity in nuget.config discovery • Fixed ProcessException to retain exit code • Fixed StronglyTypedSolutionGenerator to add auto-generated XML header • Fixed NPM integration • Fixed Repository.IsGitHubRepository to consider nullable Endpoint • Fixed casing for PublishBuildArtifacts in AzurePipelines generation • Fixed missing environment variables for SpaceAutomation • Fixed missing environment variables for GitHubActions • Fixed escaping of GitHubActions workflow values • Fixed missing arguments in KubernetesTasks Full changelog at

Version Downloads Last updated
8.1.0 1 09/19/2024
8.0.0 27 07/22/2024
7.0.6 21 07/22/2024
7.0.5 14 07/22/2024
7.0.4 14 07/22/2024
7.0.3 20 07/22/2024
7.0.2 22 07/22/2024
7.0.1 18 07/22/2024
7.0.0 25 07/22/2024
6.3.0 20 02/19/2024
6.2.1 23 07/22/2024
6.2.0 21 07/22/2024
6.1.2 25 07/22/2024
6.1.1 19 07/22/2024
6.1.0 18 07/22/2024
6.0.3 16 07/22/2024
6.0.2 19 07/22/2024
6.0.1 27 07/22/2024
6.0.0 21 07/22/2024
5.3.0 13 07/22/2024
5.2.1 23 07/22/2024
5.1.4 14 07/22/2024
5.1.3 17 07/22/2024
5.1.2 18 07/22/2024
5.1.1 19 07/22/2024
5.1.0 26 07/22/2024
5.1.0-beta0001 31 07/22/2024
5.0.2 17 07/22/2024
5.0.1 18 07/22/2024
5.0.0 21 07/22/2024
0.25.0 19 07/22/2024
0.25.0-alpha0378 20 07/22/2024
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0.24.0-alpha0249 23 07/22/2024
0.24.0-alpha0215 23 07/22/2024
0.24.0-alpha0193 18 07/22/2024
0.24.0-alpha0188 28 07/22/2024
0.24.0-alpha0187 26 07/22/2024
0.24.0-alpha0185 17 07/22/2024
0.24.0-alpha0165 20 07/22/2024
0.24.0-alpha0138 18 07/22/2024
0.23.7 19 07/22/2024
0.23.6 22 07/22/2024
0.23.5 22 07/22/2024
0.23.4 21 07/22/2024
0.23.3 21 07/22/2024
0.23.2 27 07/22/2024
0.23.1 15 07/22/2024
0.23.0 26 07/22/2024
0.23.0-alpha0154 24 07/22/2024
0.23.0-alpha0142 19 07/22/2024
0.23.0-alpha0089 29 07/22/2024
0.22.2 29 07/22/2024
0.22.1 29 07/22/2024
0.22.0 21 07/22/2024
0.22.0-alpha0074 32 07/22/2024
0.22.0-alpha0048 32 07/22/2024
0.22.0-alpha0044 22 07/22/2024
0.22.0-alpha0043 25 07/22/2024
0.22.0-alpha0042 27 07/22/2024
0.22.0-alpha0039 30 07/22/2024
0.21.2 21 07/22/2024
0.21.1 28 07/22/2024
0.21.0 23 07/27/2024
0.20.1 29 07/22/2024
0.20.0 21 07/22/2024
0.20.0-alpha0017 29 07/22/2024
0.20.0-alpha0016 23 07/22/2024
0.19.2 15 07/22/2024
0.19.1 20 07/22/2024
0.19.0 19 07/22/2024
0.18.0 20 07/22/2024
0.18.0-alpha0052 18 07/22/2024
0.18.0-alpha0038 16 07/22/2024
0.17.7 18 07/22/2024
0.17.6 22 07/22/2024
0.17.5 17 07/22/2024
0.17.4 24 07/22/2024
0.17.3 14 07/22/2024
0.17.2 17 07/22/2024
0.17.1 25 07/22/2024
0.17.0 25 07/22/2024
0.16.0 22 07/22/2024
0.16.0-alpha0027 25 07/22/2024
0.16.0-alpha0023 17 07/22/2024
0.16.0-alpha0017 19 07/22/2024
0.15.0 25 07/22/2024
0.15.0-alpha0051 24 07/22/2024
0.15.0-alpha0036 27 07/22/2024
0.15.0-alpha0030 23 07/22/2024
0.14.1 21 07/22/2024
0.14.0 26 07/22/2024
0.14.0-alpha0021 23 07/22/2024
0.13.0 22 07/22/2024
0.13.0-alpha0046 24 07/22/2024
0.13.0-alpha0042 21 07/22/2024
0.13.0-alpha0039 17 07/22/2024
0.12.3 21 07/22/2024
0.12.2 18 07/22/2024
0.12.1 19 07/22/2024
0.12.0 21 07/22/2024
0.12.0-alpha0027 19 07/22/2024
0.12.0-alpha0013 17 07/22/2024
0.11.1 28 07/22/2024
0.11.0 23 07/22/2024
0.10.5 21 07/22/2024
0.10.4 23 07/22/2024
0.10.3 15 07/22/2024
0.10.2 20 07/22/2024
0.10.1 17 07/22/2024
0.10.0 22 07/22/2024
0.10.0-alpha0034 18 07/22/2024
0.9.1 20 07/22/2024
0.9.0 22 07/22/2024
0.9.0-alpha0023 19 07/22/2024
0.9.0-alpha0020 22 07/22/2024
0.8.0 24 07/22/2024
0.7.0 18 07/22/2024
0.7.0-alpha0048 24 07/22/2024
0.6.2 19 07/22/2024
0.6.2-beta0001 20 07/22/2024
0.6.1 21 07/22/2024
0.6.0 21 07/22/2024
0.6.0-alpha0109 25 07/22/2024
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0.5.3 19 07/22/2024
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0.5.0 23 07/22/2024
0.4.0 18 07/22/2024
0.3.1 18 07/22/2024
0.2.10 17 07/22/2024
0.2.0 32 07/22/2024
0.1.458 27 07/22/2024
0.1.454 23 07/22/2024
0.1.442 27 07/22/2024
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0.1.430 20 07/22/2024
0.1.414 21 07/22/2024
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